Testing Your Scantron Score

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The Scantron Score test scoring machine comes with forms that have already been filled out. These forms enable you to test the machine prior to actual use. To test the machine, use the following instructions:

1. Setup the test scoring machine as described in Setting Up Your Scantron Score.
2. Make sure that the power is on. The switch is located on the back of the test scoring machine.
3. Find the filled out sample forms that came with the test scoring machine.
4. Press Start.
5. Feed the teacher's key into the right side of the machine. Make sure that the feed direction arrow printed on the form is pointing left.
6. Feed the Al Smith test form. Save the other two test forms in case you wish to do more testing in the future.
7. Verify that the form was scored correctly. It should look like the one pictured at left.

That concludes the test. If it was successful, you are ready to score tests. If it was not successful, use this help system to solve the problem or call Scantron Customer Support at 1-800-338-5544.

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Scantron Corporation

1-800-SCANTRON (722-6876)


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